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Political Economy of Modern Capitalism. Mapping Convergence and Diversity./ Поли

Political Economy of Modern Capitalism. Mapping Convergence and Diversity./ Поли

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Political Economy of Modern Capitalism. Mapping Convergence and Diversity./ Политическая экономия современного капитализма. Отображение конвергенции и разнообразия.
На английском языке. Edited by: Colin Crouch - University of Warwick, UK. Wolfgang Streeck - Max-Planck-Institute, Germany.London SAGE Publications Ltd 2000г. 212 с. Палiтурка / переплет: Мягкий, увеличенный формат. ISBN 9780761956532
Neoliberalism and deregulation have come to dominate national and international political economy. This major book addresses this convergence and analyzes the implications for the future of capitalist diversity. It considers important questions such as: Is the preference for free markets a well-founded response to intensified global competition? Does this mean that all advanced societies must all converge on an imitation of the United States? What are the implications for the institutional diversity of the advanced economies? Political Economy of Modern Capitalism provides a practical and informed analysis of the public policy choices facing governments and business around the world. Вес книги 390 гр.
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