Фаворит Маркет
КнигиХудожественная лит.Фантастика
E. E. Doc Smith	Skylark DuQuesne.

E. E. "Doc" Smith Skylark DuQuesne.

€8 (≈$8.62)
Книга на английском языке.
London Panther Books 1984 254 с. Мягкая обложка,  уменьшенный формат. ISBN 0-586-03946-5
Scientists Dick Seaton and Marc DuQuesne were the deadliest enemies in the galaxy. Their feud had blazed among the stars and changed the history of a thousand planets. But now a threat from outside the galaxy drove them into a desperate alliance as hordes of strange aliens stormed through space on a collision course with Man. Seaton and DuQuesne fought side by side to fend off the invasion - as Seaton kept constant, perilous watch for DuQuesne's inevitable double-cross.   
Состояние книги: нечитанный экземпляр, следы перегиба переднего листа обложки, в остальном - очень хорошее
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